Understanding and Dealing with Biting

At The WRAP Nursery, we strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment where every child can thrive. One of the challenges we often encounter is biting—a common behaviour in young children that can cause concern for both parents and carers. Understanding why children bite and how to address this behaviour effectively can help alleviate worries and promote a positive atmosphere at home and other settings.

Why Do Children Bite?

Biting is a way for some children use to express their feelings and needs when they lack the words to do so. It can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • Communication Difficulties: When children cannot articulate their anger, frustration, or need, they might resort to biting.

  • Teething or Oral Stimulation: The need for oral stimulation, especially during teething.

  • Developmental Exploration: Children explore their environment using all their senses, and biting can be a normal part of this exploration.

  • Emotional Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed by their surroundings can cause children to resort to biting as a way to cope.

  • Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND): In some cases, biting may be related to specific educational or developmental needs.

How We Address Biting at The WRAP Nursery

At nursery, we employ a range of strategies to help prevent and manage biting behavior, always keeping the individual needs of each child in mind.

Positive Attention and Individual Support:

  • We provide one-on-one and small group times to ensure each child receives positive attention and feels valued.

  • We create safe spaces where children who feel overwhelmed can retreat and calm down.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • We use activities and stories that help children recognise and understand their emotions.

  • We encourage empathy by discussing feelings and how our actions affect others.

Oral Stimulation Resources:

  • For children with oral stimulation needs, we provide sensory activities and biting rings to satisfy this requirement in a safe and appropriate manner.

Proactive Monitoring and Resource Management:

  • Our staff remain vigilant to identify when a child needs more stimulation or quiet time.

  • We ensure there are adequate resources and multiple toys available to minimize conflicts over toys.

What we do if Biting Occurs

If a biting incident does happen, our staff follow a clear and compassionate procedure:

  • Immediate Comfort and Care: The child who has been bitten is comforted and checked for any injuries. First aid is administered if necessary, and parents are informed via our parent portal Famly or a phone call.

  • Addressing the Behaviour: The child who bit is gently but firmly told that biting is unkind. We help them understand the impact of their actions on others.

  • Encouraging Positive Actions: We ask the child who bit to help make the other child feel better, whether by fetching a toy or offering comfort.

  • Parent Communication: We complete an incident form to share with the parents and discuss any ongoing concerns or strategies to prevent further incidents.

Supporting Families at WRAP

We understand that dealing with biting can be stressful for parents. At The WRAP Nursery, we are always here to support you. We encourage open communication and are happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Our approach is to work together with families to develop effective strategies that suit each child’s individual needs.

Tips for Parents at Home

Here are some tips to help manage and reduce biting behaviour at home:

  • Stay Calm and Consistent: Respond to biting calmly and consistently, making it clear that biting is not acceptable.

  • Provide Alternative Outlets: Offer appropriate items for oral stimulation and encourage activities that allow for emotional expression.

  • Teach Communication Skills: Help your child learn to express their feelings with words or gestures.

  • Create a Calm Environment: Ensure your child has a quiet space to retreat to when feeling overwhelmed.

  • Encourage Empathy: Discuss feelings and encourage your child to think about how their actions affect others.

At WRAP, we are want to creating a balanced and positive environment for both children and carers. By working together, we can address and manage biting effectively, ensuring a happy and harmonious experience for everyone.

For more tips and support on managing common childhood behaviours, be sure to check back regularly on our blog. Feel free to contact us for any questions or further support. We are here to listen and help you every step of the way!


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